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relexa hotel Berlin - Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is our own commitment and the pledge to ethic standards and an environmentally responsible corporate management. The relexa hotel in Berlin is committed to reflect social values, human-rights and environmental principles in everything we do.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our Corporate Social Responsibility is a concept on a voluntary basis and beyond the legal requirements, to consider social as well as environmental concerns within our business activities. We distinguish in the following categories:

  • CSR intern: for example Human Resource Management, health and safety, environmental awareness
  • CSR extern: for example business partners, suppliers

CSR at the relexa hotel Berlin
CSR at the relexa hotel Berlin is a transparent, social, economical, ecological and sustainable responsibility. The hotel management promotes:

  • Social & responsible restructuring
  • Training of young people
  • Further education & development
  • Compliance with human rights standards
  • Internal career opportunities
  • No age discrimination
  • Support of region and its resources
  • Equality of opportunity
  • Compliance with the disability discrimination act
  • Compliance with the health and safety act
  • Protection of resources
  • And much more

Green meetings at the relexa hotel in Berlin

Meeting and events, conferences and trade fairs affect our environment. During an event, tons of resources such as water and electricity are consumed. Germany has long been one of the world's most popular event destinations. Therefore, it is not surprising that the issue of sustainability plays a role in the meeting event hotel industry.

We offer following services for you:

  • Food and drinks from certified organic cultivation
  • Support of regional products and local suppliers
  • Seasonal food
  • Meeting and event stationary from recycled paper
  • And much more  

We don't just talk about it, we do it. We have developed several different concepts within our meeting and event offers and are proud to be a partner with Green Meeting stands for the organisation of environment-friendly events.


This is what we do for the environment at the relexa hotel Berlin:

  • Written CSR* policy
  • CSR* representatives within the hotel
  • Regular staff training on environmental protection
  • beekeeping partnership with Nathan Gardner
  • Recycling of paper, waste, water and electronics
  • Use of energy saving light bulbs
  • Use of energy saving mode with electrical devices
  • Use of degradable detergent
  • Purchase of regional and organic raw materials (carbon foot print)
  • Eco friendly transportation offer (conference bike)
  • Parcel force with DHL GO GREEN
  • Your ticket to your event - the relexa train ticket - good for the environment, comfortable for you.
  • And much more